
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Homework due Wednesday, November 13th!

Vocabulary Development
Word Wall
Due: Wednesday, 11/13/13

Create a mini-poster (one white sheet of paper) to explain a key vocabulary word by only using drawings and the word used correctly in one sentence and/or a definition.

·      -Complete on one 8 ½ x 11” white sheet of paper.  Use the BACK of this sheet if needed.
·     - Has the word written in large letters that can be seen across the room.
·      -The drawing has to fill up the rest of the paper (there should be as little empty white space on the page as possible).
·    -  The word is used correctly in a sentence and/or a definition that explains what the word means (it doesn’t need to be big enough to be seen across the room).
·    -  The best posters will get displayed on the class Word Wall of Fame, AND receive a 4!  (Hint: Try to pick a word that NO ONE has done yet).

Word List:
Argument from authority
Ad populum
False causation
False dichotomy
Post-hoc ergo propter hoc
Ad hominem
Slippery slope
Red herring
Straw man
Begging the question
Hasty generalization
Circular argument

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