Do Now (10 mins):
First, write you homework in your Agenda.
1. Do article and activity (+Summarize R.C.) for "Trash or Treasure" and "Save Our Coal" (available 2/28) on TeenBiz.
Create a new Note in your Notes App, titled English Do Now
Open your Pearson app to Unit 1, Lesson 8, Step 2. You should see the title Work Time: Vocabulary.
Choose some words from the list provided. Look them up and make notes on what they mean in this book. Next, open "Freak the Mighty Vocabulary". Look up 3 words using Google and record the definitions in your notebook Glossary.
Students will...
analyze the impact of specific word choice on the meaning and tone of the passage by annotating and defining new words in digital text.
Common Core Standards
Reading Literature, 6.1
Reading Literature, 6.2
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
Reading Literature, 6.4
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone
Whole Class:
Freak the Mighty, Ch. 11
Continue annotating for allusions
Direct Group
Pearson Unit 1
Pearson Unit 1
Lesson 7:
Freak the Mighty
Guided/Independent Reading
Allusions Search activity
Your Allusions Work Time- Annotate in green, then copy paste into your graphic orgaznizer
Table Group 1: Ch. 1-2
Table Group 2: Ch. 3-4
Table Group 3: Ch. 5-6
Table Group 4: Ch. 7-8
Common Core Standards
- If you finish early, follow this link to
- Type your username and password
- Your job is to finish ALL 5 steps of the "Bright Colors, Bright Ideas" lesson!
- Open your mailbox and find the article "Bright Colors, Bright Ideas".
- Read & Listen to the Vocabulary
- As you read each paragraph, STOP and fill in at least 1 sentence in the SETTING THE PURPOSE box. This WILL be copy and pasted into your Thought Question, and will be graded.
- On the Thought Question, remember to click on "Include in Your Answer" so you can get a 3 or 4 score.
- Next, do the Math Activities and check your grades on Pinnacle!
Exit Ticket:
Today you talked about allusions and their purpose in creative and imaginative stories. Think about your learning today and respond.
1. As a writer, what role did imagination have in creating an allusion?
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