Do Now (10 mins):
Write the type of narraction used in the following sentences on page 7L of your Interactive Notebook. You will either write first-person narration or third-person narration.
Write the type of narraction used in the following sentences on page 7L of your Interactive Notebook. You will either write first-person narration or third-person narration.
- Sandra Cisneros loved to spend time at the library because it was so quiet.
- I can't wait to go to college and study molecular biology at USC.
On the left side of your desk, make a pile of Agenda and homework. I will check this while you are writing.
Objectives: Students will...
analyze the effect of the qualities of the character on the plot and the
resolution by identifying direct and indirect characterization on a graphic
organizer, annotating while reading, and participating in a Socratic Seminar.
complete the 5 step lesson cycle on TeenBiz3000.
complete the 5 step lesson cycle on TeenBiz3000.
Reading 3.5 Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: Identify the speaker and recognize the
difference between first- and third-person narration (e.g., autobiography compared with biography).
Reading 2.4 Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level- Appropriate Text: Clarify an understanding of texts by creating outlines, logical notes, summaries or reports.
Whole Class (20 minutes):
TeenBiz3000 5 step lesson cycle
Reading with purpose and asking questions while we read.
- 5 steps-Before Reading Poll, Article, Activity, After Reading Poll, Thought Question
- 2 full lessons per week
- 40 lessons by June!
Reading with purpose and asking questions while we read.
Active reading strategies:
Asking questions
Summarizing - $2 summaries
Collaborative Station (45 mins):
Second read of “Eleven” in partners
Highlight and annotate text for questions and character clues while completing to the first reading of “Eleven” read aloud by the teacher
$2 summaries
Socratic Seminar
Independent (45 mins):
- Make sure you finish your quiz from yesterday, if you didn't follow steps # 2-10.
- Click here to find your test keys
- Click on the document that says "Reading 3.1 Online Test Keys"
- Find you name
- Click on the box with your code
- Press Command C to copy it
- When you finish, follow this link to DataDirector to take you quiz
- Click the box and press Command V to paste it in
- Begin the quiz
- Once you're finished, record your score for Reading 3.1 on your tracker
- Go to
- Type your username and password from your EdElements card
- Look at the photo and read the caption
- Click on Courses
- Click on TeenBiz
- Read the article and write a summary or question after each paragraph, this will be checked and graded.
- Click "Next" and complete the activity
- Click "Next" and complete the thought question, be sure to use evidence to prove your ideas.
- If you finish early, read the stretch article and do the stretch activity.
Exit Slip (5 mins):
Write a $2 summary of the paragraph on the screen.
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