
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Digital Agenda: Thursday, 8/22 & Friday, 8/23

Do Now (10 mins):
Write the type of narraction used in the following sentences on page 7L of your Interactive Notebook.  You will either write first-person narration or third-person narration.

  1. Sandra Cisneros loved to spend time at the library because it was so quiet.
  2. I can't wait to go to college and study molecular biology at USC.

On the left side of your desk, make a pile of Agenda and homework.  I will check this while you are writing.

Objectives:  Students will...

analyze the effect of the qualities of the character on the plot and the resolution by identifying direct and indirect characterization on a graphic organizer, annotating while reading, and participating in a Socratic Seminar.

complete the 5 step lesson cycle on TeenBiz3000.


Reading 3.5 Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: Identify the speaker and recognize the 
difference between first- and third-person narration (e.g., autobiography compared with biography).

Reading 2.4 Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level- Appropriate Text: Clarify an understanding of texts by creating outlines, logical notes, summaries or reports.

Whole Class (20 minutes):

TeenBiz3000 5 step lesson cycle

  1. 5 steps-Before Reading Poll, Article, Activity, After Reading Poll, Thought Question
  2. 2 full lessons per week
  3. 40 lessons by June!

Reading with purpose and asking questions while we read.

Active reading strategies:
Asking questions
Summarizing - $2 summaries

Collaborative Station (45 mins):

Second read of “Eleven” in partners 
Highlight and annotate text for questions and character clues while completing to the first reading of “Eleven” read aloud by the teacher 

$2 summaries 

Socratic Seminar

Independent (45 mins):

  1. Make sure you finish your quiz from yesterday, if you didn't follow steps # 2-10.
  2. Click here to find your test keys  
  3. Click on the document that says "Reading 3.1 Online Test Keys"
  4. Find you name
  5. Click on the box with your code
  6. Press Command C to copy it
  7. When you finish, follow this link to DataDirector to take you quiz
  8. Click the box and press Command V to paste it in
  9. Begin the quiz
  10. Once you're finished, record your score for Reading 3.1 on your tracker

  1. Go to
  2. Type your username and password from your EdElements card
  3. Look at the photo and read the caption
  4. Click on Courses
  5. Click on TeenBiz
  6. Read the article and write a summary or question after each paragraph, this will be checked and graded.
  7. Click "Next" and complete the activity
  8. Click "Next" and complete the thought question, be sure to use evidence to prove your ideas.
  9. If you finish early, read the stretch article and do the stretch activity.
Exit Slip (5 mins):

Write a $2 summary of the paragraph on the screen.

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