Do Now (10 mins):
The following assignments are due on 1/15/14:
1. Parent signature on Standards Tracker.
2. Buy 1 new Composition Book (not spiral)
3. 3 TeenBiz3000 articles per week, total of 10 by 1/15/14. (12/22-1/5 to be entered in the iPod raffle). Here are the titles:
- Big Buses Get Red Lights
- Still Clowing Around
- Tablets As Teachers
- Pay for the Park
- Saving the Macaw
- School All Year Long
- Straight From the Horse's Mouth
- On a Wave of Hope
- Yes, It's Real
- Let's Take a Spin
Write the sentence and answer on p. 54L of your Interactive Notebook.
- How did you do on Benchmark 2? What is your goal for next time? What is your action plan to improve your score for next time? On Benchmark 2 I scored ____%. My goal for Benchmark 3 is to score ____%. My action plan to improve for next time is to _________________, ___________________, and _________.
Students will...
reflect on and analyze their achievement of COMA ESLRs by writing an expository paragraph at the Direct Station.
Writing.6.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Whole Class:
How to Choose Portfolio Work
- o have the ability to verbally resolve conflicts.
- o are advocates for themselves and others.
- o can effectively demonstrate their understanding of material with both written and oral academic language.
- can differentiate and modify their behavior and language base on the given environment.
ESLR #2 COMA Students will be
Critical Thinkers who
- · participate in the learning process and accept responsibility for their own learning.
- · can relate topics across the content areas.
- · effectively analyze information to solve real- life scenarios.
- can independently manage resources to maximize learning opportunities.
ESLR #3 COMA Students will be
Responsible Citizens who
- · respect, appreciate, embrace and advocate for diverse cultures, languages, and people.
- · exemplify the six character pillars (Respect, Trustworthiness, Citizenship, Caring, Fairness, Responsibility).
- · contribute time and energy to improve their school and community.
- · work collaboratively to enhance and support fellow peers across proficiency levels.
ESLR #4 COMA Students will be
Technologically Literate and Proficient by
- · deciphering between credible and illegitimate sources on the internet.
- · accessing their personal academic data to identify areas of growth.
- · utilizing project based learning to assist them in achieving academic success.
- consistently being exposed to current technology in order to stay competitive in our continuously evolving world.
Direct Station:
Students will support a claim with evidence in an expository paragraph at Direct Station.
ESLR Reflection Paragraph
This school year I have demonstrated that I am a
_____ in several ways. My first piece of evidence is
______________________________________________. This shows that I am a _____ because _________________. My next piece of evidence is ________________________. This shows that I am a _____ because
_______________________ ________________________________________________ . My last piece of evidence is
_____________________ . This shows that I am a _____ because ___________________. All in all, I’m a _______ because __________________________.
Exit Ticket: Rough draft of paragraph
Writing.6.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
- Follow this link to Google Drive
- Get the blastla address of someone in your station and give them yours-Open your document and click Share-Type their address in the box at the bottom-Click Save and Share-Open their document under "Shared with Me"-Every time you see a mistake, highlight it and add a comment explaining what type of mistake it is (spelling, punctuation, doesn't make sense, add more)
- Correct any errors your Peer Editing partner found
- If you finish early, follow this link to
- Type your username and password
- Start the 5 step lesson for the daily article
- Read & Listen to the Vocabulary
- As you read each paragraph, STOP and fill in at least 1 sentence in the SETTING THE PURPOSE box. This WILL be copy and pasted into your Thought Question, and will be graded.
- When you do the ACTIVITY, refer back to the article for answers by opening it in a side-by-side screen.
- On the Thought Question, remember to click on "Include in Your Answer" so you can get a 3 or 4 score.
- If you finish early, do the Stretch Article and Activities!
Exit Ticket:
Your typed 5 paragraph cell phone essay.
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