
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Digital Agenda: Thursday, 12/19 and Friday, 12/20!

Do Now (10 mins):

The following assignments are due on 1/15/14:
1. Parent signature on Standards Tracker.
2. Buy 1 new Composition Book (not spiral)
3. 3 TeenBiz3000 articles per week, total of 10 by 1/15/14.  (12/22-1/5 to be entered in the iPod raffle). Here are the titles:
  • Big Buses Get Red Lights
  • Still Clowing Around
  • Tablets As Teachers
  • Pay for the Park
  • Saving the Macaw
  • School All Year Long
  • Straight From the Horse's Mouth
  • On a Wave of Hope
  • Yes, It's Real
  • Let's Take a Spin

Write the sentence and answer on p. 54L of your Interactive Notebook.  
  1. How did you do on Benchmark 2?  What is your goal for next time?  What is your action plan to improve your score for next time?  On Benchmark 2 I scored ____%.  My goal for Benchmark 3 is to score ____%.  My action plan to improve for next time is to _________________, ___________________, and _________.
Students will...
reflect on and analyze their achievement of COMA ESLRs by writing an expository paragraph at the Direct Station.

Writing.6.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. 
    Whole Class:
    How to Choose Portfolio Work

    ESLR #1 COMA Students will be Effective Communicators who

    • o   have the ability to verbally resolve conflicts.
    • o   are advocates for themselves and others.
    • o   can effectively demonstrate their understanding of material with both written and oral academic language.
    •    can differentiate and modify their behavior and language base on the given environment.  

    ESLR #2  COMA Students will be Critical Thinkers who
    • ·      participate in the learning process and accept responsibility for their own learning.
    • ·      can relate topics across the content areas.
    • ·      effectively analyze information to solve real- life scenarios. 
    •        can independently  manage resources to maximize learning opportunities. 

    ESLR #3 COMA Students will be Responsible Citizens who

    • ·      respect, appreciate, embrace and advocate for diverse cultures, languages, and people.
    • ·      exemplify the six character pillars (Respect, Trustworthiness, Citizenship, Caring, Fairness, Responsibility).
    • ·      contribute time and energy to improve their school and community. 
    • ·      work collaboratively to enhance and support fellow peers across proficiency levels. 

    ESLR #4 COMA Students will be Technologically Literate and Proficient by
    • ·      deciphering between credible and illegitimate sources on the internet.
    • ·      accessing their personal academic data to identify areas of growth.
    • ·      utilizing project based learning to assist them in achieving academic success.
    •      consistently being exposed to current technology in order to stay competitive in our continuously evolving world.

    Direct Station:
    Students will support a claim with evidence in an expository paragraph at Direct Station.

    ESLR Reflection Paragraph

    This school year I have demonstrated that I am a _____ in several ways.  My first piece of evidence is ______________________________________________. This shows that I am a _____ because _________________.  My next piece of evidence is ________________________.  This shows that I am a _____ because _______________________ ________________________________________________ .  My last piece of evidence is _____________________ .  This shows that I am a _____ because ___________________.  All in all, I’m a _______ because __________________________.

    Exit Ticket: Rough draft of paragraph

    Writing.6.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
    1. Follow this link to Google Drive
    2. Get the blastla address of someone in your station and give them yours
      -Open your document and click Share
      -Type their address in the box at the bottom
      -Click Save and Share
      -Open their document under "Shared with Me"
      -Every time you see a mistake, highlight it and add a comment explaining what type of mistake it is (spelling, punctuation, doesn't make sense, add more)
    3. Correct any errors your Peer Editing partner found
    4. If you finish early, follow this link to
    5. Type your username and password
    6. Start the 5 step lesson for the daily article
    7. Read & Listen to the Vocabulary
    8. As you read each paragraph, STOP and fill in at least 1 sentence in the SETTING THE PURPOSE box.  This WILL be copy and pasted into your Thought Question, and will be graded.
    9. When you do the ACTIVITY, refer back to the article for answers by opening it in a side-by-side screen.
    10. On the Thought Question, remember to click on "Include in Your Answer" so you can get a 3 or 4 score.
    11. If you finish early, do the Stretch Article and Activities!
    Exit Ticket:  
    Your typed 5 paragraph cell phone essay.

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