
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Digital Agenda: Thursday, 9/19 and Friday, 9/20!

Do Now (10 mins):
First, copy your homework in your Agenda:
1. Finish your 5 step lesson cycle for "Where No One Has Gone Before" article at home and write missed spelling words 5x each.

Next, copy the question and use context clues to determine what the underlined word means.  Answer on p. 17L of your Interactive Notebook.  
  1. I got caught telling a lie and my mom called my bluff.
  2. The bluff dropped 50 feet down to the ocean below.

On the left side of your desk, leave your 
Agenda open.  I will check this while you are writing.

Objectives:  Students will...
 identify and use simple, compound, and compound-complex sentences and conjunction words by taking guided notes and whiteboards.

spell frequently misspelled words correctly on a post-test.

correctly identify and explain figurative language and poetic devices with 80% accuracy on a quiz.

Writing: Written and Oral Language Conventions- Sentence Structure 1.1: use simple, compound, and compound-complex sentences; use effective coordination and subordination of ideas to express complete thoughts

Writing: Written and Oral English Language Conventions-Spelling 1.5: Spell frequently misspelled words correctly (e.g., their, they're, there)

Whole Class Mini Lesson (20 minutes):

Commonly Misspelled Pre-Test
Mnemonic devices

Collaborative Station (30 mins):

Guided Notes
-Sentence Types
-White board examples and explanations

Independent (30 mins):

  1. Click here to find your test keys  
  2. Click on the document that says "Reading 1.2 & 3.4 Online Test Keys"
  3. Find you name
  4. Click on the box with your code
  5. Press Command C to copy it
  6. When you finish, follow this link to DataDirector to take you quiz
  7. Click the box and press Command V to paste it in
  8. Begin the quiz
  9. Once you're finished, record your score for Reading 1.2 & 3.4 on your tracker
  10. Percentage
    80-100%     4
    60-79%        3
    40-59%        2
    20-39%     NP
    Below Basic
    0-19%       NP
    Far Below Basic
  1. Log in to your blastla account on gmail
  2. Click on Drive
  3. Click on "Recent"
  4. Open your Poetry Activity 1 document and continue working
  5. Add a comment for each highlighted item, explaining WHY it is that type of figurative language.
  6. When you are finished, click "Share" and type my email address.
  7. You will know it was shared if my picture pops up, if not you typed my email wrong and must do it again.
Exit Ticket
Write the sentence type on your Exit Ticket.  How did you know what type it was?

I love to read prose, and I also equally enjoy poetry.

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